Gourmet Truck Expo | South Florida
The Great Food Truck Race demonstrated the food trucks “made it to the big time.”
Run over five seasons, 2010-2014, this TV show showcased food trucks from different parts of the country.
Staffed by a group of 3, the contestants raced from the west coast to the east coast.
Given specific ingredients to cook with and challenged by “speed bumps”, the winner is chosen by the highest total sales.
As they make their way across the country, the truck that brings in the least amount of money returns home, while the remaining drive to the next city.
In the first 2 seasons, participants already had their own food trucks.
The two remaining seasons provided trucks to novices whose dream was to have a food truck.
The first season allowed 7 teams while the remaining 4seasons had 8 teams.
“The Middle Feast” is the most recent winner!
Now that’s what we call gourmet fast food!