Gourmet Truck Expo | South Florida
While no one will argue the beauty of a brat and beer as these days cool, there is something to say about gourmet food.
Why not experience the best of both and eat some gourmet food at the outdoor destination of your choice.
Doubtful about getting “real” gourmet food from a food truck, don’t be!
A lot of South Florida food trucks are owned by highly trained chefs who attended such schools such as the Culinary Institute of America.
They bring their talent and creativity to fully commercial grade food trucks that can easily serve as many as 200 people during a lunch hour.
Also, you can enjoy gourmet food while paying considerably less than for the same food at an upscale restaurant.
So if you’ve always wanted to try what a grass fed burger really tastes like, or escargot, or delicious crème brulee, chances are there’s a food truck that serves it.