Cities In High Risk Disaster Areas Are Welcoming Food Trucks

More often than not, food trucks are appearing on the scenes where help is most needed.

After the devastation of both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, food trucks proved invaluable in feeding those who had lost everything as well as those clean up crews and construction workers who tried to start putting things back together.

With the devastation of Nepal’s multiple earthquakes there is now more than ever attention on Food Trucks to help reach families that are starving after their world’s crumbled.

The same is true for those cities that are affected by tornadoes or floods.

Food trucks also weave their goodness throughout the fabric of our daily life.

In many cities, food trucks deliver to those that cannot easily reach stores or afford fresh food.

Minnesota has a “reverse food truck” that accepts food donations.

Parked at many summer events, this truck really delivers!

Gourmet Truck Expo | South Florida Food Trucks