Gourmet Truck Expo | South Florida
Food fusion is food that combines different culinary traditions, that is ingredients or methods.
Popular since the 1970’s, this cuisine does not fall into traditional food categories such as Italian, Mediterranean etc … Food trucks have been a part of this trend as long as food trucks have been around!
From Florida to Houston, up north to Seattle, one can find Korean, Thai-Mexican, Korean-Thai-Mexican, to Hawaiian/mainland foods.
Unbelievable food blends made into delicious entrees and desserts.
The most recent winners of the best food fusion dishes include Thai Shredded Chicken and Strawberry Salad, Smoked Salmon Breakfast Burrito, and Tandoori Naan Chicken Sandwiches!
Next date night, do something new and treat your taste buds to a savory mixture of ingredients you will never forget.